What dietary approach works for you will depend on many different factors. The best way to work out which is the best approach is to explore each method and look at which one suits your taste, budget, cooking and shopping opportunities and safety (with the fasting approach). Once you have looked into this then try one of the approaches.
If over the longer term (at least a month) the approach you are using is helping to improve your blood glucose levels and your weight then that is most likely to be the right one. It is also likely that you may have to adjust your diet until you find the right one for you. As an example, if you have toast and cereal for breakfast and 2 hours after eating your blood glucose is high then possibly you may ned to reduce the carbohydrate content of breakfast by eating smaller portions.
The other things that you will need to monitor if you are looking at a different dietary approach are your weight and your blood fats (lipids) which include cholesterol and triglycerides.
If you have the facility to test your own blood glucose then you can test before a meal and 2 hours after to determine the effect of that meal. If you have not been advised to test your blood glucose levels you can use your HBa1c as a test of how well your blood glucose is controlled on your present dietary intake. N.B. Some Gps may agree to providing you with blood glucose testing equipment in the short term to allow you to test a new dietary approach in more detail so it is worth asking even if you do not normally need to test your own blood glucose.