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The plan for treating diabetes is to get the blood glucose levels back to the level they would be if someone did not have diabetes.

This means that once you have been diagnosed with diabetes you are always considered to have diabetes but if your HBa1c is in a good range then your long-term health is much less likely to be affected.

Unfortunately diabetes cannot be cured (yet) but if your Hba1c is below 48mmol/mol you will be considered in remission.

The information following is primarily about type 2 diabetes as DWELL is a programme for people with type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is treated with a combination of lifestyle factors and sometimes medication too. It is possible to maintain good blood glucose levels without medication but this is something that is decided between a person with diabetes and their healthcare professional.

Keeping well with diabetes


A healthy diet is one of the most important things that affects blood glucose levels.


Activity also has a very positive effect on blood glucose levels.

Looking after your mental health and managing stress as well as:


    •Having good sleep patterns.

    •Maintaining a healthy weight.

    •Avoiding smoking.

    •Taking any recommended medication regularly.

    •Attending health appointments particularly eye screening and  annual health checks.

    •Looking after your feet including daily inspections.

All of the above is discussed in more detail on the DWELL programme.

Also check out the information at





There are a lot of medications that can be used to treat diabetes.

The choice of medication is something that should be discussed with your healthcare provider.
​Some medications have a direct impact on the blood glucose levels other medications may help with weight loss. People with type 2 diabetes are often put on a combination of medications.
A good person to discuss any medication queries you may have is your pharmacist. They can offer advice on how to take your medication and also any other questions you may have. You can ask for a private consultation and medicine review with a pharmacist.

For more information on medication used to treat diabetes please follow this link:-


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